There are a variety of free tools which you can utilize to venture into 실시간중계with Periscope being one of them. It is an app for livestreaming for Android and iOS smartphones that assist in broadcasting live events on Twitter and the TV website for Periscope. Twitter acquired it before it was launched in 2015, and from there, it has been the answer for Twitter for Instagram and Facebook live. 

What you require to go live on Periscope

  • Periscope app installed on a smartphone
  • Event/business or persona Periscope account
  • Twitter account which is connected to be able to 실시간중계on twitter.

Features of the Periscope tool

  • Whenever a 실시간중계 starts, alert followers of Periscope with an auto-generated notification. 
  • Be able to increase the viral of any event by making it possible for viewers to share on Twitter the live stream as well as on Periscope with a link which the viewer can share anywhere else. 
  • Capability to store 실시간중계events which can be replayed later on. It will be able to appear on the user’s Twitter, and Periscope followers feed.
  • Be in a position to access stats for broadcast such as replay viewers, live viewers, and time watched so that you can better understand your audience. 
  • Allow the audience to make comments on live stream or send likes, or you can limit this option to only those who follow you.

What to watch out when using Periscope

  • Auto-generated notification to alert Periscope followers whenever there is a start to a live broadcast.
  • Viral increase of live events as the audience can share on their twitter account the live stream, and on Periscope, they can also share a link of the broadcast on other platforms. 
  • Broadcast events can be stored for replay and allow those who appear on your twitter and Periscope followers feeds.
  • Access stats like replay viewers, live viewers, and the duration watched to analyze the type of audience you have on your live stream. 
  • The audience is allowed to send likes or comment on live streams, or you have the option to limit this particular functionality to your twitter followers only.

What to watch out when using the Periscope platform

  • On Periscope, the default is that everyone can watch your live stream. For you to be able to create a private broadcast for a particular audience, you, together with your audience, will have to follow each other on the twitter platform.
  • It is possible to color or draw on the live feed, just like on Instagram live and Facebook live. But with Periscope, the enhancement of graphics tends to be limited, and you can only get them on iOS devices. 
  • Compared to YouTube or Facebook Live, the analytical insights of Periscope concerning the audience tend to be in fewer details 

Who should utilize the periscope tool?

It can be utilized for live streaming of any size.